
Ergonomic workplaces
for warehouse, workshop and industry

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An Easier Workday


At Ergonomic Workplaces, Efficiency Increases. We have everything needed for warehouses, workshops, and industry and know that every detail that simplifies the job gives our customers a competitive advantage. And since no workplace is exactly the same, your requirements guide our deliveries.

If you know exactly what you want, you can order a complete product package. If you’re planning to put together your own combination, we’re happy to help with advice and suggestions. And if the day comes when your company is looking for an entirely new and unique solution, we will be able to handle that too. All to give you and your colleagues an easier workday.





We offer height-adjustable workbenches and fixed workstations that are perfect for a workshop or industrial workplace. Our benches help you keep all your tools organized and are of high quality, suited to various needs, such as light assembly work, slightly heavier workshop tasks, and packing work.




Complete packing tables for small or large packaging needs. We have a wide range of packing tables in various sizes. Table frames with manual or motorized height adjustment in a variety of widths and depths, combined with our large selection of accessories, provide a flexible system that meets most needs.

From North to South

You can find GBP’s products at a variety of retailers across the country, from north to south. Let us help you along the way. We are your key supplier, working together for a more sustainable, pleasant, and profitable workday. We deliver high-quality furnishings for industry, workshops, and warehouses. We are committed and always present to ensure a smooth customer experience for you.